Here it is ... the long-awaited and much-anticipated DESIGN TEAM CALL at The Shabby Tea Room!! Thank you to all who have inquired over the past weeks ... the Shabby Girls cannot wait to see your creativity and inspiration shine and hope to see many of you submit your creations for a chance to earn one of FOUR available spots on The Shabby Tea Room Design Team!
Please read the following INSTRUCTIONS and REQUIREMENTS very carefully as your ability to follow these instructions and submit proper and complete projects will directly impact your success on making the Design Team!
Creativity + Inspiration = FUN!
The Shabby Tea Room is looking for a few creative designers to join our team of Shabby Girls!
This call will be open until February 26th. The new Shabby Girls will be chosen and notified by February 29th.
Here are the details regarding requirements of the position and instructions on how to apply -- following these directions will directly impact the selection process, so please read everything very carefully to be sure you understand and complete all steps. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us before you submit!
- Actively post to your own blog in English or have a translate button on your blog
- Participate in our weekly challenges for six months to be posted every Monday morning
- Ability to print and work with digital images, stamp sets, dies, embellishments, templates (as supplied by our weekly sponsors)
- Comment on participant submissions as per your assigned rotation numbers (you will have two assigned numbers)
- Link to our challenge blog, Design Team members and post our pink Tea Pot blinkie and Design Team Badge on your blog sidebar
- Join and keep up to date in our Design Team Yahoo Group (this is where all DT information will be posted)
- Create a theme and host a weekly challenge once every six weeks per your DT rotation
What the Shabby Girls are searching for:
- High quality work
- Ability to photograph your work well and brightly lit
- Ability to follow the directions in the Design Team Application, applications not doing so will not be considered
- Fun, creative, happy spirited individuals who love to create with paper, stamps and glue and who love to share with and inspire others
What this team offers:
- Sponsor digital images, stamps, papers, templates, embellishments
- Fun and creative inspiration along with a 'family-like' team atmosphere
- Links to your blog from our Challenge Blog and your fellow Shabby Girls' blogs
- Blog community socialization, friendship, creativity, inspiration ... FUN
- A Six-Month Design Team Term beginning on March 19th and running through September 16, 2012 (as long as all Design Team requirements are completely fulfilled. Failure to fulfill any and all of the DT requirements will result in termination from the team)
How to Apply:
1. Become a follower of The Shabby Tea Room
2. Email with subject "DT Application" as subject
3. Include the following in your email:
- Full name and address
- Blog address
- Current and previous Design Team experience (current or past DT experience is not required)
- Tell us a bit about yourself and why you would like to be a Shabby Girl
- Submit a newly created card and/or project (never before shared on your blog) based on the following INSPIRATION PHOTO. You may be inspired by the colors, theme, objects in photo or all of the above! Remember ... we ARE The Shabby Tea Room, so we really adore anything shabby, vintage and tea-related, but these design styles are not all inclusive, all design styles are welcome and will be considered. Please ATTACH your submission to your e-mail ... do not include it in the body of the e-mail. We are looking for your BEST WORK, so let your creativity soar and 'wow us' with your application projects!
- You may submit as many times as you wish. Only your first application will require all of the above ... any subsequent applications need only include 'DT Application' in the subject like of your e-mail, your name in the body and a picture of your submission attached to the e-mail.

GOOD LUCK to all who apply! The Shabby Girls cannot wait to see your beautiful creations!!